Health check-up

Health check-up

Health check-ups examines your overall health condition and can be either mandated by law or voluntarily chosen by individuals. Screenings are targeted to detect specific diseases early, such as cancer screenings. Our clinic offers health check-ups.

Health check-ups can be divided into health examinations (健康診断) and health screening (健康診査) as below, both of which are available at our clinic.

Health examinations (健康診断)

Health examinations are intended to assess your health status and prevent diseases. They are divided into "mandatory health examinations," which are required by laws such as the Occupational Safety and Health Law, and "voluntary health examinations," which individuals choose to undergo based on personal decision. Mandatory health examinations are conducted upon employment (pre-employment health examinations, according to Article 43 of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations) and periodically thereafter (periodic health examinations, according to Article 44 of the same regulations).

Health screening (健康診査)

Specific health screenings focus on visceral fat obesity, aiming to improve lifestyle habits that contribute to this condition and reduce the prevalence and risk group of lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes. These are based on the Elderly Health Care Law and target individuals aged 40 to 74. After receiving a health screening, individuals can also receive health guidance aimed at improving their lifestyle habits.

Scheduling health check-up

Health check-ups are by reservation only. Please reserve your health check-up online or by phone.

On the day of your appointment, we will conduct an interview, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. You can choose to receive your results in person, online, or by mail (a mailing fee will be charged). Please specify your preference at your exit. For those who prefer in-person or online consultations, we will schedule a follow-up appointment (one week later or more). There is no additional charge for the follow-up appointment except for an online consultation system fee (¥ 1,000).

If further diagnostic investigation or treatment is deemed necessary based on the results, we may address it through insured medical services at separate occasions.

Koto Ward Health Screening (江東区健康診査)


  • Interview (past medical history, ongoing symptoms both subjective and objective)
  • Height, weight, waist circumference※
    ※ waist circumference measurement is optional for those aged 75 and older
  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Physical examination (inspection, percussion, auscultation, palpation)
  • Blood tests
  • Urine tests
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Chest X-ray (optional for those scheduled for or who have already undergone lung cancer screening)
  • Hepatitis virus screening test (available concurrently with a health examination for those who have never undergone hepatitis virus screening before and wish to do so. Please make sure to request when you schedule your health check-up


  • No out-of-pocket cost (fully subsidized by the district)


  • The health screening will be available at our clinic from June 21, 2024, to December 26, 2024.
  • Please bring the examination voucher (sticker) sent from Koto Ward, a pre-filled questionnaire, and your health insurance card (or an identification document if you are receiving welfare benefits).
  • For chest X-ray and electrocardiogram:
    • Please wear clothes that are easy to put on and take off.
    • Please wear undergarments without any metal, buttons, or plastic.
    • (For women) Please wear separates, not dresses
    • (For women) Please avoid wearing stockings.
    • (For women) You will also be asked to remove your bra top before the examination.

Mandatory health examinations (pre-employment health examinations、periodic health examinations)


  • Interview (past medical history, occupational history, ongoing symptoms both subjective and objective)
  • Height※, weight, waist circumference※
    ※ waist circumference measurement is optional for those aged 75 and older
  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Physical examination (inspection, percussion, auscultation, palpation)
  • Blood tests※
    • Blood counts (red blood cell, hemoglobin)
    • Liver function test (GOT, GPT, γ-GTP)
    • Lipid profile (LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglyceride)
    • Glucose
  • Urine tests
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)※
  • Chest X-ray※
  • Sputum test※
  • Visual acuity test
  • Hearing test

※Physician may decide to omit the following tests based on previous health screening results, the presence of subjective and objective symptoms, and other relevant factors.

  • Height measurement
    • Individuals aged 20 and over
  • Waist Circumference
    • Individuals under 40 (except those aged 35)
    • Pregnant women, and others whose waist circumference is not considered reflective of visceral fat accumulation.
    • Individuals with a BMI (Body Mass Index = weight (kg) / height (m) / height (m)2) under 20.
    • Individuals with a BMI under 22 who have measured their own waist circumference and reported the value.
  • Chest X-ray
    • Individuals under 40 who do not fall into the following categories:
      • Ages 20, 25, 30, and 35
      • Those working in facilities regularly screened for tuberculosis under the Infectious Diseases Law (such as schools, hospitals, nursing homes for the elderly, and certain social welfare facilities).
      • Individuals subject to a triennial pneumoconiosis health examination under the Pneumoconiosis Law.
  • Sputum test
    • Individuals who have been exempted from chest X-ray examinations
    • Individuals in whom no abnormalities were found through chest X-ray examinations, or who have been diagnosed as having no risk of tuberculosis onset based on chest X-ray results.
  • Blood tests
    • Individuals under the age of 35, and those aged 36 to 39


  • ¥ 12,100 (tax included)


For chest X-ray and electrocardiogram:

  • Please wear clothes that are easy to put on and take off.
  • (for X-ray) Please wear undergarments without any metal, buttons, or plastic.
  • (For women) Please wear separates, not dresses
  • (For women) Please avoid wearing stockings.
  • (For women) You will also be asked to remove your bra top before the examination.

Other health check-ups


To be determined based on the requirements.


To be priced based on the test items.
