

Making an appointment for vaccination

Vaccinations are by appointment only, so please be sure to book your appointment through our website or by phone. Since we need to order the vaccine after you book your appointment, changes or cancellations to vaccination appointments must be made by phone. 

Vaccines available at our clinic

The vaccines available at our clinic are listed below (self-pay, tax included). Information about vaccines funded or subsidized by Koto Ward can be found in the subsequent section.

VaccineProduct nameManufacturerPrice (tax included)
Influenza (injection)Influenza HA Vaccine¥ 3,800
Influenza (intranasal)FLUMISTDaiichi Sankyo Company¥ 8,000
Japanese encephalitis virus★ENCEVAC S.C.InjectionMeiji Seika Pharma¥ 6,000
JEBIK VTakeda Pharmaceuticals¥ 6,000
Shingles, inactivatedSHINGRIXGSK¥ 22,000
Shingles, live attenuated★VARICELLA VACCINE LIVE ATTENUATED"BIKEN"Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma¥ 7,500
HPV, 9-valentSILGARD9MSD¥ 26,000
HPV, 4-valentGARDASILMSD¥ 16,000
HPV, 2-valent★CERVARIXGSK¥ 16,000
Pneumococcus, 23-valentPNEUMOVAXMSD¥ 8,000
Tetanus / diphtheria★DTBIKBIKEN¥ 4,000
Tetanus / diphtheria / pertussis★TRIBIKBIKEN¥ 5,000
Measles / rubella★★-Takeda Pharmaceuticals¥ 10,000
Rubella★DRIED LIVE ATTENUATED RUBELLATakeda Pharmaceuticals¥ 5,800

★ To ensure vaccine availability, please schedule your appointment at least four business days in advance (e.g., if booking on Friday, schedule for the following Wednesday or later). Note that while our system may allow you to book for the same or the next day, there is a chance the vaccine may not be secured by the time of your visit. In the rare event that we cannot secure the vaccine, we will contact you by phone.

★★ Currently, the supply of measles-rubella vaccines (MR vaccines) is uncertain, and rubella vaccines alone are available. Please call us for details.

If you are interested in a vaccine not listed above, please contact us first by phone or email at

Vaccines funded or subsidized by Koto Ward

Shingles vaccine

live attenuated
Price¥ 22,000/shot¥ 7,500
Public subsidies¥ 10,000/shot¥ 4,000
Patient will pay¥ 12,000/shot¥ 3,500
Eligibility for public subsidies
  • Individuals who are 50 years or older as of the vaccination date, are registered residents of Koto Ward, and have never received a subsidy for a shingles vaccine (live or inactivated) before.
  • Please be sure to bring the vaccine questionnaire obtained from Koto Ward. For information on how to obtain the questionnaire, please contact Koto Ward.

The information above is sourced from the following website. Please note that updates may take some time to be reflected. Before making your reservation, be sure to verify the details on the website provided.

Pneumococcal vaccine

  • Patient will pay ¥ 1,500
Eligibility for public subsidies
  • Individuals who are 65 years old※ and have never received the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, regardless of whether it was covered by public funds or paid out-of-pocket.
    • ※If vaccinated at an age other than 65, you will not be eligible for subsidies.
  • Individuals aged 60 to under 65 with a Level 1 Disability Certificate, and who have impairments in cardiac, renal, respiratory functions, or immune function due to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and who reach the relevant age on the day of vaccination.
  • Please be sure to bring the vaccine questionnaire obtained from Koto Ward. For information on how to obtain the questionnaire, please contact Koto Ward.

The information above is sourced from the following website. Please note that updates may take some time to be reflected. Before making your reservation, be sure to verify the details on the website provided.

HPV vaccine

Please note that if you wish to receive the HPV vaccine, you will first undergo a consultation and explanation on the day you book online, following which you will be able to schedule your vaccination appointment for two business days later or beyond.

There are three types of HPV vaccines eligible for full public funding. For more details, please refer to the website below.

Protects againstHPV types 16, 18HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58
Doses333 doses
(if the 1st dose is given at 15 years of age or older)
2 doses
(if the 1st dose is given before 15 years of age)
Dosing schedule0, 1, 6 months0, 2, 6 months0, 2, 6 months0, 6 months
Eligibility for public subsidies

There are two types of vaccinations: routine vaccinations and catch-up vaccinations, and the eligibility for subsidies varies between them.

  • Routine vaccinations:Girls from 6th grade in elementary school to 1st year in high school
  • Catch-up vaccinations:Individuals who missed their vaccination opportunities due to a lack of active recommendation
Routine vaccinations
Eligibility for public subsidies
  • Girls currently registered as residents in Koto Ward, from 6th grade in elementary school to 1st year in high school (born between April 2, 2008, and April 1, 2013), as of the vaccination date.
  • No out-of-pocket cost (fully subsidized by the district)
Vaccines to be given by
  • March 31 of the year in which individuals reach the equivalent age of a first-year high school student (until the end of the fiscal year in which they turn 16).
  • Individuals who are 12 years old on the day of vaccination must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • Individuals aged 13 to 15 on the day of vaccination can receive the vaccine without a parent or guardian present if a parent or guardian has signed the designated section on the vaccination questionnaire. However, as with other vaccinations, reactions such as fainting may occur after receiving the vaccine. To prevent incidents such as falls due to fainting, it is strongly recommended that a parent or guardian accompany the individual.
  • Individuals 16 years of age and older on the day of vaccination do not need parental consent and can proceed with the vaccination based on their own consent. Please ensure that the individual signs the self-signature section of the vaccination questionnaire, not a parent or companion.
  • On the day of your visit, please bring your Maternal and Child Health Handbook, the vaccination ticket sticker (white) obtained from Koto Ward, the vaccination questionnaire, and the consent form (if required, see the website below for details).

Catch-up vaccinations
Eligibility for public subsidies
  • Girls born between April 2, 1997, and April 1, 2008, who are registered residents of Koto Ward as of the vaccination date.
  • No out-of-pocket cost (fully subsidized by the district)
Vaccines to be given by
  • March 31, 2025
  • Individuals who are 16 years of age or older at the time of vaccination do not need parental consent and can proceed with the vaccination based on their own consent. Please sign the self-signature section of the vaccination questionnaire that was sent to you.
  • On the day of your appointment, please bring your Maternal and Child Health Handbook, the vaccination ticket sticker (light blue) obtained from Koto Ward, and the vaccination questionnaire.

The information above is sourced from the following website. Please note that updates may take some time to be reflected. Before making your reservation, be sure to verify the details on the website provided.

Rubella antibody testing and rubella vaccine

Vaccines to be subsidized
  • Rubella monovalent vaccine
  • Measles/rubella combined (MR) vaccine※
    ※Currently, the supply of measles-rubella vaccines (MR vaccines) is uncertain, and rubella vaccines alone are available. Please call us for details.
  • No out-of-pocket cost (the district fully subsidizes the testing and vaccination fees)
Eligibility for public subsidies
  1. Women aged 19 to 49 who plan or intend to become pregnant
  2. Household members of the above (aged 19 and older)
  3. Household members of pregnant women with low rubella antibody levels (aged 19 and older)

Currently pregnant women, or those who might be pregnant, are not eligible to receive the vaccination. Those who have previously received rubella antibody testing or rubella vaccination subsidized by the district are also not eligible.

  • Since we need to call and confirm your request with the Koto Ward Public Health Office before testing/vaccination, please contact us by phone before making your appointment.
  • At your first visit, we will conduct an antibody test (blood draw) and schedule a follow-up appointment to review the results. Vaccination will be administered based on these results if deemed necessary according to the guideline set by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
  • If you already have documentation (such as test results showing antibody levels) confirming low rubella antibody levels as recommended by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for vaccination, you may receive the vaccination without undergoing an antibody test. Please make sure to inform us when you book your appointment if this is the case. For more details, please visit the following website.

The information above is sourced from the following website. Please note that updates may take some time to be reflected. Before making your reservation, be sure to verify the details on the website provided.
