Clinic spaces

Clinic spaces

Reception desk

Reception desk staff handle check-ins and payments, issue medical cards, prescriptions, and referral letters, answer phone calls, and respond to inquiries via email and LINE.

Reception desk staff constantly share updates with the procedure room and exam room staff via intercom.


Infection control measures

  • Reception desk staff clean hands with alcohol.
  • Air conditioning systems continuously ventilate with outside air.
  • The entire third-floor waiting area and the reception area are equipped with an advanced air purification system that purifies, dehumidifies, and deodorizes the air. 
  • Items such as iPads for questionnaires, clipboards, pens, the reception counter, and cashless payment machine are cleaned with alcohol.
  • We ask all visitors to wear masks and request temperature measurement for patients with fever or symptoms suggestive of infectious diseases.

Waiting Area (3rd Floor)

This space is for waiting for registration, blood draws, procedures, and payments.

To ensure a smooth flow and avoid crowding, our reception desk staff carefully manages the movement of patients between third and fourth floors. You will be guided to the 4th floor at the appropriate time. We appreciate your cooperation to ensure a safe and efficient visit for everyone.

Free Wi-Fi is available (the password is posted in the waiting room).

If you feel unwell, please notify the reception desk staff.


Infection control measures

  • Air conditioning systems continuously ventilate with outside air.
  • The entire third-floor waiting area and the reception area are equipped with an advanced air purification system that purifies, dehumidifies, and deodorizes the air. 
  • Seats and blood pressure machines/chairs are cleaned with alcohol.
  • Our clinic operates primarily by appointment to prevent overcrowding and ensure a comfortable environment in our waiting areas. To avoid crowding, our reception desk staff carefully manages the movement of patients between third and fourth floors.
  • Please clean your hands with a hand sanitizing station (alcohol-based) which you will find upon exiting the elevator (to your left).

Waiting Area (4th Floor)

This space is for waiting for X-rays, bone density tests, and consultations.

Free Wi-Fi is available (the password is the same as on the 3rd floor).


Infection control measures

  • Air conditioning systems continuously ventilate with outside air.
  • The entire fourth-floor waiting area is equipped with an advanced air purification system that purifies, dehumidifies, and deodorizes the air. 
  • Seats are cleaned with alcohol.
  • Our clinic operates primarily by appointment to prevent overcrowding and ensure a comfortable environment in our waiting areas. To avoid crowding, our reception desk staff carefully manages the movement of patients between third and fourth floors.
  • Please clean your hands with a hand sanitizing station (alcohol-based) which you will find upon exiting the elevator (to your left).

Procedure Room

Blood draws, ECGs, injections, IV treatments, and joint procedures are performed.

The room is equipped with electric reclining chairs.


Infection control measures

  • Air conditioning systems continuously ventilate with outside air.
  • Procedure room is continuously cleaned with an air purifier equipped with a TPA filter, Airdog X8D Pro, which is capable of capturing and removing particles as small as one-quarter the size of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the virus that causes COVID-19).
  • Reclining chairs, ECG machines, tables, and other equipment that patients come into contact with are cleaned with alcohol.
  • Nurses perform clean hands with alcohol.

Exam Rooms

We use two exam rooms.

Each room is equipped with a chair-style exam table that can transition from a seated to a fully flat bed-like position electronically, while you remain seated.

Ultrasound machine is available in the exam rooms to perform non-invasive image assessments immediately at the point of care for joints, heart, abdomen, etc., as needed.


Infection control measures

  • Continuous ventilation is maintained with air conditioning systems and by occasionally opening windows.
  • Different exam rooms are used for patients with and without the suspicion of infectious diseases.
  • Exam room 1, which is used to see patients with the suspicion of infectious diseases, is continuously cleaned with an air purifier equipped with a TPA filter, Airdog X5D, which is capable of capturing and removing particles as small as one-quarter the size of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the virus that causes COVID-19).
  • Examination tables, stethoscopes, various examination instruments, and ultrasound probes are cleaned with alcohol.
  • Physicians clean hand with alcohol.

X-ray Room

In addition to a standard X-ray machine, we have bone densitometry that use the DXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) method to measure bone density in the lumbar spine and femoral neck to diagnose osteoporosis and determine fracture risk.

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Infection control measures

  • Air conditioning systems continuously ventilate with outside air.
  • Tables, imaging tables, and other equipment that patients come into contact with are cleaned with alcohol.


  • Restrooms are available on both the 3rd and 4th floors.

The 3rd-floor restroom is equipped with a small window for submitting urine cups.


Infection control measures

  • Air conditioning systems continuously ventilate with outside air.
  • Surfaces that patients come into contact with are cleaned with alcohol.