Message from Dr. Takada

Message from Dr. Takada

For almost 30 years since my graduation, I have practiced internal medicine and rheumatology at university hospitals, general hospitals, and clinics.

Throughout my career, I have always considered my patients as my own family, and provided care with the same compassion and dedication I would give to my loved ones. Specifically, I have always strived to live by the following principles:

  • Always be responsible and reliable
  • Never give up on patients or leave issues unresolved
  • Always be flexible to the needs and circumstances of patients: Rather than imposing treatment guidelines unilaterally, I listen to the patient's situation, propose multiple treatment plans, and collaboratively find the one that best suits their needs.

Additionally, while specialization has ensured high-quality healthcare at the specialty level, I recognized the following drawbacks:

  • Lack of seamless integration between rheumatology and internal medicine services: Patients need to visit rheumatology and internal medicine clinics separately, leading to the development of otherwise avoidable drug interactions or specialists’ passing patient’s clinical issues back and forth.
  • Lack of seamless integration between internal medicine or rheumatology and psychiatry services: For example, patients may receive inappropriate treatment for psychiatric symptoms which are misdiagnosed as those related to internal medicine or rheumatology conditions.

Furthermore, non-Japanese-speaking patients are not provided with medical services of the same quality as Japanese-speaking patients.

In my clinic, I provide high-quality care in internal medicine, rheumatology, and primary-care psychiatry without boundaries, regardless of the language used (Japanese or English).

I support patients both mentally and physically, allowing them to actively engage in health-related decision-making and in their treatment, so that they could have hope for tomorrow, and realize their full potential and self-actualize.
